Both the server and this page are under hard development. While server provides at the moment most of features needed to use it, the page doesn't provide any tutorial for game developers. It will, but at the moment, the only way to find it out are javadoc and source-codes of JGServer/JGFramework and example game MegTris.
Almost all networked games have something in common. These can be user accounts stored in database, login manager, separate rooms, statistics, etc.
Usually game developers implement all these features for each game from scratch. With big games like Quake or Doom it can be accepted, but what if you are going to implement tetris or scrabble? You would probably give up, and implement very minimum of those features. What is more you have to know how to connect to internet, how to use sockets etc.
And what if you are admin, who want to set up servers for several games? Bunch of servers listening on different ports (security violation risk) and all they need to be maintained separately, what is worse the configurations for them are inconsistent.
JGServer (and JGFramework) is the solution to these problems. It simplifies a lot both developing networked games and setting up server.
From developer point of view writing networked game using JGServer/JGFramework tandem means:
public String parseRequest(String id, Player pl, Document doc)
You must take care of siting/standing up from table, and parsing some pause/unpause requests (if your game needs it). The only reason it isn't placed in main server protocol is that not every game want to deal if it, and even if we place it you would need to implement some feedback methods.
However if your game needs tables and/or pausing - generic implementation of all those is in JGFramework package, hence just use it!
draft for server (plain text)
draft for MegTris (plain text)
With JGServer/JGFramework we have bundled an example game written using them. It is MegaTris and is quite cool :) Go and download the package now!
Unfortunatelly at the moment only javadoc.
JGServer build (includes sources) jgserver.tar.gz
MegTris build (includes sources) megtris.tar.gz
Marcin Daczkowski - JGServer mail
MichaĆ Blicharz - MegTris mail